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Rare item Gefle Standard (Yellow version) by Berit Ternell.

There are different colours of this design, this plate here is the yellow version.
Antique from 1960s by Upsala-Ekeby Gefle.


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Upsala-Ekeby Gefle Standard (黄色版) 大盤 by Berit Ternell

只剩 1 件庫存
  • 設計師: Berit Ternell


    品相: ★★★
    很好, 有些刀叉划痕.

    無磕, 無裂


    有任何疑問, 隨時歡迎聯絡我們.


    尺寸: diameter 24 cm

運費 瑞典境外:以重量計算 1 KG = 180 SEK 2 KG = 280 SEK 3 KG = 380 SEK 4 KG = 480 SEK 5 KG = 580 SEK 6 KG = 680 SEK 7 KG = 780 SEK 8 KG = 880 SEK 9 KG = 950 SEK 10+ KG = 1000 SEK *註: 運費將在結帳時加入。

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